First-time homebuyers need help today more than ever.

I was honored to recently help this first time homebuyer that was referred to me by a friend and past client. This buyer was thinking about buying a home 2 years ago and wanted to save up a large down payment to put down on a home.

I referred her to a real estate partner of mine who took amazing care of my client. Her price range was in the $250s, so you already understand the challenge she was facing. After a couple of offers on homes (homes she didn’t particularly care for) weren’t accepted, the frustration set in.

Did she wait too long?

Did the market price this first-time homebuyer out of the market?

Would she be able to buy at all?

Just when she was about to give up, we found the perfect home. This time, we were not going to settle for anything less than her offer to be accepted. We structured a strong pre-approval, and an even stronger offer. I called the listing agent to let them know we have a strong buyer, and I made the listing agent a guarantee that they couldn’t refuse….. (No, not like that, you watch too many movies!)

I guaranteed them that if the seller accepted our offer and we were not able to close, I would pay the seller $5,000. That’s how Strong I knew our pre-approval was, that’s how Strong I knew the buyer was….and that’s how Strong I want to fight for our buyers in this market.

In the end, the buyer got the house, we closed perfectly, and now we have a raving fan.

Why is that important?

Raving fans are loyal, and raving fans refer their friends. We have a Current Client Referral Program that is designed to get a referral from every loan that we close. When we get those referrals, I refer them back to my agents.

Our team is looking for three to no more than five more agents that we can work with to help get more referrals, close loans perfectly, and grow our business together. If that’s you, send me a message so we can set up a 15-minute Zoom call. I’d love to explain exactly how execute this Current Client Referral Program to get our agents more referrals.

And if you have any first-time homebuyers that need a good lender to fight for them…we’d love to work with them. You can call my office or send us an email to get the process started.

610-432-0900 |

Schedule a meeting with Michael to discuss closing more business as a real estate agent.

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