Scripts that work in today’s market

A Top Producing Real Estate Agent shared 6 scripts that he and his team are using right now to get more Listings and more Buyers in this market. I thought it was awesome and I wanted to share them with you.

Click here to download the scripts so you can keep and use to make more money!

The 6 scripts are:

Script for buyers who ghosted you:

Last year seemed to be a big year for buyers who were hot to buy but suddenly went silent and ghosted the agent they were working with. Whether it was personal issues, fear, or having someone around them telling them that last year was not a good time to buy, many of those prospects are preparing to buy this spring and summer.

So, how do you re-engage with them and restart the process of earning their business? Don’t overcomplicate the process. Pick up the phone (preferably), or send them a text with the following.

It has been a little while. I hope you’re doing well. Last time we spoke, you were planning to buy a home soon. Were you able to find that perfect place for you, or is that still in your plans?

Don’t take the breakdown in communication personally. You never know what they had going on last year. Now is the time to reach out as we head into the spring and summer buying season. Simply pick up the phone and re-engage.

Homeowner conversation closing script:

Early in my career, I wondered if there was a casual way to ask homeowners if they were considering selling. I struggled to find the right words that didn’t seem awkward. Whether I met a homeowner at an open house, when I was door-knocking, on calls, or any other prospecting activity, I struggled to find the right thing to say in those situations if the subject of their home didn’t come up.

Somewhere along the way, I heard the following script that put me in a position to ask the right question at the end of a conversation. Here’s the script that made all the difference.

It’s been great talking with you. I’d be the worst real estate agent in the world if I didn’t at least ask if there is a price where you might consider selling your home.

This one sentence has provided me with more opportunities for listings than anything else I’ve ever said. Utilize this in your business and you will generate listings.

Voicemail scripts that generate callbacks (awesome):

To leave a voicemail or not to leave a voicemail? That is the question many agents have. My experience has led me to the opinion that you have a better chance of receiving a call back if you leave a voicemail than if you don’t. But the key is to leave a voicemail that creates intrigue and value.

People love to give their opinions, so letting them know you have information that affects them and that you would love their opinion is a combination that has helped me increase the number of callbacks. The first is an example of a buyer voicemail script, and the second is an example of one for homeowners while circle prospecting.

Potential homebuyer voicemail script

This is (Your Name) with (Company). Not sure if you saw this, but interest rates recently came down, which means potentially hundreds of dollars in monthly savings on a mortgage if you buy soon. I’ve got my opinion on how this will affect home values in the next few months, but I’d love to hear what you think. Give me a call when you get a second, and I look forward to hearing your opinion.

Homeowner voicemail script

This is (Your Name) with (Company); the house four doors down from yours just sold, and this sale will absolutely affect your home’s value and the other homes in your neighborhood. I’ve got my opinions on how it will be, but I would love to hear your thoughts. Give me a call, and I’ll give you the details of the sale. And again, I’d love to get your opinion on how this sale immediately affects the value of the homes in your neighborhood. Talk soon.

These scripts can be modified to the situation and the reason for the call, but focus on letting them know you have something of value for them and that you would love their opinion on it.

Script for homeowners in a social setting:

We’ve all heard of an “elevator speech” where you have a quick explanation of what you do and why people should do business with you, but what about a “social seller speech?” Do you have a quick way to identify potential listings when you find yourself talking with homeowners in a social setting?

The key is not to force this script, but when the opportunity presents itself and a homeowner asks what you see in the market, this script will create listing opportunities now and in the future.

We continue to see strong demand for homes in your neighborhood. I wouldn’t be a very good real estate agent if I didn’t at least ask, is there a scenario where you might consider selling your home in the next year or so?

Again, this isn’t a script that fits at the beginning of a conversation. It is more appropriate after you’ve built rapport or the person you are speaking with is asking questions that indicate he or she is genuinely interested in the current real estate market.

“I have a buyer looking in your neighborhood” script for calling homeowners (awesome):

With the limited inventory we still have in most of the country, calling homeowners who own a home that might fit your hot buyers is a win/win strategy for your business. It proves to your buyers that you are willing to go above and beyond to help them find the perfect home. And it also gives you a reason to call homeowners with a specific need that can lead to listing opportunities.


This is (Your Name) with (Company). I’m working with a potential buyer who loves your neighborhood, but I haven’t been able to find them the perfect place in your neighborhood yet. They might be willing to pay a premium if they find the right house, so I’m curious if you’ve heard of any of your neighbors who might consider selling their home soon.

If they are considering selling, they will let you know or ask additional questions. The key is to make contact and build rapport with potential sellers. Even if their house doesn’t work out for your buyer, you’ve positioned yourself as an agent who goes above and beyond to service your clients. The owners you speak with will take note, and their recognition of your hustle will lead to more listing opportunities.

Jim Rohn once said, “A sale will make you a living, but the skill to make the sale will make you a fortune.” Developing the skill of knowing what to say and when to say it is the precursor to a thriving business. Practice these scripts and apply them as the occasions call. This is the key to building the business of your dreams.

Questions? Reach out to our office.

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