What does the NAR Settlement mean for you?

We took the entire 180 page doc of the proposed NAR Settlement Agreement and dropped it into AI. It spit out an in-depth summary and an analysis of the implications for buyer’s agents. You can read and download a copy of the summary here.

Then we took that summary and to make it even easier for us to understand, we asked Chat GPT to explain it to us like we’re in 8th grade. You can grab that summary here.

You provide value.

We know you already know that. But it can be hard to articulate all the value you do provide when you’re used to doing it every day. To help you articulate just how much you do, we put together a list of 180 things a Real Estate Agent does for their clients. You can download that list here.

We are always here to help. Never hesitate to reach out to our office.

